One of the most awesome ways to make money is through the internet. The great thing about making money with websites is that you do the work once, but you earn many times from your work.
For example, you can publish an article or a blog post, and when that content attracts traffic throughout the year, some of those visitors would click on ads and buy stuff. Every time they buy something, you make a commission. That is passive income.
Compare this with having to work a job. If you don’t show up at your job and work 9 to 5, you won’t have a paycheck.
With the internet, you can work once, and earn many times. With physical work, you have to work, and then get paid, and then work again to get paid some more.
If you want to know how to make money with your website, follow the step by step instructions below.
Table of Contents
Step 1: List the things that you like to talk about
Off the top of your head, come up with a list of the things that you’re passionate about. This can be your hobbies, or this can involve subjects that you studied in high school or college.
As long as you are excited enough about them, list them out. Ask yourself, “What topics would I talk about even if I wasn’t getting paid to talk about them?”

Step 2: Go to
Go to Open an account. It’s a free keyword research tool. You can research on different keywords on your interest topic or niche.

Step 3: Enter keywords related to your topics
Look at the list of topics you are passionate about. Brainstorm keywords related to those topics. Enter those topics into ubersuggest tool.
Step 4: Filter your topic list based on demand volume
This free tool will show you the average monthly searches for keywords related to your niche. Delete keywords that don’t get enough searches on one hand, and too many searches on the other.
You need to do this because you want to get rid of topics that don’t have enough demand, but you also need to delete topics that have so much demand that you’ll face very stiff competition.

Step 5: Filter your topic list based on advertiser value
When you enter keywords into ubersuggest tool, you’ll get dollar value estimates for each click of those keywords.
Whenever people do a search for that keyword on Google, there would be an ad that would show up and this tool will tell you how much each click on those ads are worth.
Delete from your list keywords that have very low commercial value. This means advertisers are not all that interested in those topics.

Step 6: Load your remaining topic keywords into Google’s main search box
By this point, you should have a shorter list of topics. Plug in the keywords of those topics into Google's main search box.
Pay attention to how many websites targets those keywords. Google will say, "Your search has 'x' number of results." Delete topics that have too many competing results.

Step 7: Enter your remaining keywords into Facebook and Twitter
Enter your remaining topics and their keywords into Facebook and Twitter. Delete from your list topics that don’t have too many groups, pages or tweets with hashtags on Twitter.
You’re doing this because you want to only target topics that people on social media are already talking about.
You’ll be getting traffic from social media once you put up your blog. It’s important that there is enough demand on social media so you can get traffic for your blog.
Step 8: Decide on the topic you want to build your website around
At this point, you should have a short list of sites that get decent traffic from search engines, have a social media demand, and have a decent commercial value. These topics also have manageable levels of competition.
Decide among the remaining topics which one you are most excited about. You’re going to build your website around that topic.
Step 9: Get hosting and install WordPress
Sign up for a hosting service. Many of them are cheap. There are many hosts that cost less than $50 a year.
Sign up for a host that has a one-click WordPress installation system. Once you’ve signed up, install WordPress and enter the details of your website.
Step 10: Enter your topic keywords into Google to determine your topic’s most common format
Enter the keywords related to your topic into Google search box to retrieve articles, blog posts, and other types of content. Pay close attention to the most common format of content you retrieve.
If, for example, your topic normally involves top ten lists or how-to guides, those are going to be the kind of content you’re going to be putting on your website.
Step 11: Create a content plan
Now that you have done your research regarding the most common content formats for your niche, come up with a content plan.
This means taking your most promising keywords, these are the ones with decent commercial value, not too much competition, and a high enough monthly demand, and create content around them.
For example, if your research indicates that your niche readers are mostly interested in top ten lists, your content is going to be all about top ten lists.
Step 12: Reverse engineer your competitors’ best content
Now that you have your target format in mind, find your niche competitors. These are blogs and article sites that rank the highest in your niche.
Figure out the top players and look at their content. Reverse engineer what they talk about, the type of pictures they post, as well as whether they use video or not.
Step 13: Create your own version of your competitors’ top performing content
This is competitor content that gets a lot of shares on social media. This content is obviously successful.
Come up with your own version. Turn it into your own branded version. Don’t just blindly copy it.
Step 14: Post your reverse engineered content on your blog
Once you have come up with a new and improved version of your competitors’ best performing content, post it on your site.

Step 15: Share your content on social media
Look up the list of social media areas you found during your initial research. Share your blog posts on those areas and engage on those areas.
Step 16: Post your content on your social media accounts
Create accounts on all the major social media platforms and post your content on these accounts. Engage with users who read your materials and who like or share your materials.
Step 17: Curate third party content
Find the best content involving your topics that were written by other companies or other people. Look at how popular those pieces of content are on social media. See if they get a lot of likes, retweets, and other indications of social media popularity. Share the links of those popular content on your social media accounts.
The key here is to draw followers on different social media platforms. Build your following, and then share your own blog content more frequently. If you do this right, you’ll pull traffic from social media to your blog.
Step 18: Share curated content on topic-related areas on social media
Going back to your research, you’ve discovered areas on Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms that deal with your topic. Share curated content on those places. Lead people back to your account. From your account, get eyeballs to your own blog posts.
Step 19: Post promotional content on your blog and social media accounts
From time to time, post promotional content on your blog and social media accounts. This would lead to direct traffic going to the affiliate product you’re promoting. You should also promote on your mailing list.

Step 20: Send updates to your mailing list and upsell your list members
By promoting your mailing list to your social media accounts as well as on your blog, you should get quite a bit of traffic to your mailing list recruitment page. This is called the “squeeze page”. Tweak your squeeze page so it converts a higher percentage of your traffic.
Once you have a big mailing list, send periodic updates and upsell your list members to whatever it is you’re promoting.
Step 21: Pack in as many different monetization options into your website and mailing list
Upsell your list to affiliate products via affiliate links. Eventually, once you figure out what sells, try to sell your own products. Create your own info products, create a sales page, and upsell these to your list.
Rotate among pay per click, pay per sale, or pay per email/zip code offers on your site. Figure out which converts the best while pulling the down the most dollars per click.
Making money off your website is pretty straightforward. It all boils down to the quality of your content. Content is king. If you build your website on a solid foundation of high-quality content, you can covert more of your visitors into dollars.
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