If you’re reading this, you probably have heard of all sorts of schemes that enable you to make money online. I’ve got some bad news for you; a lot of those programs actually require you to get hosting or to get a domain name.
In you don’t have a penny to your name, how do you expect to make money online?
That’s the question so many people run across. Here’s the answer: You don’t need to pay anything to make money online. You just have to have the right plan.
Follow the steps below so you too can make money online without having a website, without having to pay for hosting, or to pay any money. If you have time but no money, that is good enough. Time is all you need to make money online.
Step #1 Sign-up to Clickbank
Look up Clickbank and visit its website. Go to Clickbank.com, fill out the affiliate application form, wait until you get the confirmation email in your inbox, click on the confirmation link.
Step #2 Look for other affiliate programs that don’t require a website
Look for referral programs online that don’t require a website. You would know when they ask you on their application form. If they don’t ask for a website, then that program will send you commissions even if you don’t have a website. Look for these. You can find discussions of these programs at affiliate marketing forums and message boards.
Step #3 Open a WordPress.com or Medium.com account
WordPress.com and Medium.com are free online blogging tools. They don’t cost you any money, but you can set up a blog using those platforms. Sign up for either of these. Create an account.
Step #4 Find affiliate products you want to sell on Clickbank
Go to Clickbank and search for “highest paying” or “most popular” in their marketplace. You will find affiliate products that are selling like hot cakes.

Step #5 Filter Clickbank products by Gravity score
Pull up listings when you do a search for popular products on Clickbank. Take a look at their gravity score; the higher the gravity score, the better. Gravity score measures how hot a product is. Pay careful attention to how long the product has been around. Avoid products that are fairly new and have very high gravity scores. These products’ gravity scores may not fully reflect the products’ true popularity and staying power.
Step #6 Create a shortlist of hot-selling products on Clickbank or other affiliate programs
Create a very long list of popular affiliate products on Clickbank and the other “no website required” affiliate programs you joined.
Step #7 Filter your list of hot product niches
Ask yourself if you are actually interested in that type of affiliate product.
If you answered no to any of the questions above regarding one particular product, take that product off your list.

Step #8 Go to Ubersuggest and research your keywords
Visit this link and enter keywords related to the affiliate products left on your list. If this doesn’t come naturally, think of the category of problems or solutions your products address and come up with keywords related to those topics. You can also put the domain name of the product sales page into Ubersuggest Tool and its system will produce a list of recommended keywords.

Step #9 Filter your affiliate products based on search volume
When you enter affiliate product-related keywords into Ubersuggest tool, you’ll see estimated monthly traffic volume. Delete from your list affiliate products that have very low monthly search volumes. You should also delete products that have extremely high search volumes. Keep the products on your list that have medium volume.

Step #10 Enter the affiliate product name into Google to find competition level
Enter the affiliate product names one by one into Google search box. Take note of the number of “other sites” Google reported. These are the number of pages that target that keyword. Delete from your list affiliate products that have too many pages targeting them.
Step #11 Select the affiliate product you wish to promote
At this point, you should have a very short list of affiliate products; pick one. This should be a product that you are most passionate about. Here, I showed you an weight loss related keyword and the product I’ll be promoting is a weight loss product.
Step #12 Enter your affiliate product’s keywords into a Keyword tool
Retrieve all the keywords related to your product. Create a long list-the longer, the better.
Step #13 Enter your affiliate product keywords into Google to reverse engineer existing content
Enter all the keywords related to the affiliate product you have chosen one by one into Google search box. Retrieve all the affiliate websites that appear in the top 10 results. What do they all have common?

Step #14 Create content that answers key questions about your affiliate products
Each affiliate product solves a particular need. Come up with content that answers those needs and then recommends the product. This means that you’re going to create several pages that walk the reader through questions they would have about the problem that your affiliate product solves. Make sure your content answers questions that have a likelihood of being asked. Don’t waste your time on topics that are too basic. These are questions you can safely assume your target audience members have already answered. Look for deeper questions and needs.
Step #15 Interlink your helpful content on your WordPress or Medium blog
Start with very basic questions and answer them with your content. Create very long pieces of content, link these to shorter pieces of content that recommend a certain type of solution. From these pages, link to the review of the affiliate product you’re promoting. You can also create ‘side by side’ reviews of competing products while positioning the product you’re pushing as the ‘most recommended.’
Step #16 Find blog posts that talk about the problem solved by your affiliate product
Compile a massive list of all third-party blog posts that talk about the problems solved by the product you are promoting. Post original comments on these posts and engage the author of the blog post you’re replying to. Raise questions, supply answers. Position yourself as an expert.
Step #17 Create a Gmail auto-response account
Using Gmail, set it up for auto-response. Create a response email that sends a general response to whoever emails that account using the subject line you specify.
Step #18 In all your blog post comments, ask the reader to contact you via email
In all your blog post responses, enter your auto-response Gmail address and ask the reader to email you if they need any more help, or if they have any questions regarding your post. Ask them to use a certain subject line. If they use that subject line, your canned response setting will send your pre-written ‘canned’ message to them. In the signature line of your email, your blog’s question and answer URL will be included. You can also include the url of key Q&A content in the main body of your email. Make sure your response email doesn’t look spammy or is too pushy. Position it as some sort of FAQ for your niche.
How This All Works Out
The secret to this technique is to post a lot comments all over the Internet and get people to see your email address. If they want to respond to you, or if they have any questions, they send you an email with a subject line. When your Gmail detects the subject line, it sends an automatic response. In the automatic response is a signature link.
When people click on the link, they end up at your blog. If you set up your blog correctly, they can get the answers that they are looking for, and this will filter them or qualify them until they are ready to buy a product. And at that point, they can click a link, and they would see your review of the Clickbank or other affiliate program product you are promoting.
It’s all about maximum visibility. The great thing about this technique is it’s absolutely free. You don’t spend any money on hosting. You don’t waste any money on domain names. Your only investment is your time. This requires quite a bit of posts of high-quality posts to get traction and qualified traffic.
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