For those who are new players in building a new website: individuals or organizations who own a website, web page or web application can put it on the internet for anyone to access remotely via a service known as web hosting. Web hosting service providers, on the other hand, are companies or business that provide the platform and necessary technology required to keep these applications accessible via the internet.
For a site or an application to be remotely accessible, they need to be located in special types of computers known as servers. Users who want to visit these sites only need to type in your web address or domain name on the browser and hit enter.
If you have a niche website powered by WordPress and are pondering what platform will be the best to host on, then this article is tailored for you. We will take a look at a number of hosting platforms, highlighting key areas such as the quality of service provided, cost, pros, and cons generally.
Table of Contents
1. Namecheap

As far as the web hosting world is concerned, there are not many names bigger than Namecheap. Many people know Namecheap to be just a domain name registrar.
This can be pardoned especially as the company name hardly suggests anything related to web hosting.
The question now is, does the quality of service provided by this giant match the name they have made for themselves? Well, we will find out below.
2. Exonhost

Exonhost is one of the best options when it comes to WordPress hosting. I personally use it for most of all my niche sites and I'm totally thrilled by their service.
​​​3. Siteground

Siteground is popular especially for offering SSL and CDN with unlimited bandwidth for their cheap shared hosting. Below are the pros and cons found while using Siteground.
​​​​​​That said, if you want great support with high-security guarantee and uptime, Siteground is recommended.
4. WPengine

This is highly recommended for users who have websites with really high traffic and are certain that they need managed WordPress hosting. For users who are not certain about the aforementioned, you may want to consider other options.
Some of the pros and cons of WordPress Engine are highlighted below.
For some people, this platform might just be the best option. For some others, it is simply a no-no. You get to decide what category you fall into.
5. Kinsta

Kinsta is another managed WordPress hosting platform, just like WordPress Engine. Since its inception in 2013, it has risen through the ranks and has well and truly evolved into an industry leader where WordPress hosting is concerned.
Read: Cloudways Vs. Kinsta - which managed hosting should you buy?
Like every other platform, it has its pros and cons as well. Let us take a look.
​​​​​​6. WPX Hosting

Wpx is another managed hosting service with super-fast servers, great performance, and competent support. Let us look at the pros and cons.
This platform is highly recommended if you have a fairly reasonable amount of traffic and you need some really good performance, but are also mindful of the amount of money to be made available for hosting subscriptions.
7. MDD Hosting

This is not a managed WordPress hosting platform but that does not undermine the performance level that is associated with the system. Below is a look at what you get if you're good to go with MDD hosting or not.
8. Bluehost

The Bluehost Platform has a WordPress Managed hosting service which is known as WP Pro. There are some positives and negatives to this.
Clearly, the disadvantages associated with using this platform are numerous when placed side by side with the gains. They are thus not highly recommended.
Wrapping It Up
The plethora of options available when trying to make a decision as to what platform to go by can make the whole process rather overwhelming. However, specific details such as how much traffic on the average you'll be expecting, how much level of performance will be optimum and importantly how much money you're willing to spend will go a long way in helping you make a final decision.
All things considered, Exonhost, Kinsta, and Siteground are standout options. They rank high when performance, uptime, support, and price are considered.
Given info about managed hosting is really helpful information for me. It is very helpful info to find the managed Hosting for a website. Thanks for sharing.