If you can think of a method to tap into the 800 million active Instagram followers, you could build for yourself a money making account in no time. Instagram platform was intended for photo lovers to share their favorite photos with hashtags, but now it’s a different story.
Today, this fast growing social media platform has become a social hub for business brands, ecommerce merchants scouting for local or international instagrammers with lots of followers to help them advertise their product or service.
In terms of overall popularity within the social media heavyweights, Instagram pack a heavy punch with its over 40 billion uploaded photos in their database, with 400 million active daily users and guess what...
Recent studies reveal that Instagram is by far more engaging than her bigger brother Facebook! The reason is that Instagram is 58 times more engaging (per follower activity) than Facebook...
If you’re new to using Instagram or you want to make money from your Instagram account, and you’re serious about making money from Instagram, this information is all you need to get your blood pumping with excitement.
And if you have an Instagram account already, this is a good opportunity to turn your Instagram account into a money making account. This guide will show you how to make money from Instagram the right way.
Table of Contents
Instagram Money Making Methods
Before you’ll start to make any money with your Instagram account, you need some sizeable followers to follow you.
Grow your account/follower
Growing your Instagram account is not as difficult as you might be thinking. Although, Instagram followers are more opened to whom to follow, however getting the right follower to follow you is important if your aim is to make money with your Instagram account.
So, if you really want to make your Instagram account look unique for followers and brands here are some few tips that will help you to grow your account fast.
Create Memorable Hashtags
Most brands with lots of followers will admit that part of their growing formula is their hashtags. Creating interesting and memorable hashtags like ones that will relate to your story can make a difference with your Instagram account. For instance, you can come up with funny or outrageously ironic hashtags or anything you think that will interest your followers… just don’t let it be boring.
Cross Promote Your Hashtags
Creating interesting hashtags will not do it all alone; this is where creativity also need to come to play. Apart from having your hashtags as part of your profile details, you also need to promote your hashtags to people who are not by design online. Add your hashtags to your customers receipts, on street signage, your local events including your storefronts. And if you want to get aggressive with your Instagram growth, take your hashtags to radio and TV stations and ask people to use your hashtags.
Don’t Forget Your Bio Url
This is one of the most important money making section in your account. While some instagrammers are content on leaving their url link on their bio forever, you can be creative instead by changing your bio links to include your recent product or service so you can drive traffic to new offers or most popular content you have just written.
2nd Methods To Make Money On Instagram
Sell Sponsored Ads
It’s no longer news that Instagram is one of the largest networks where purchasing decisions are effectively influenced by brands to promote their products. However, large brands are quickly coming to realize that normal Instagram accounts with small numbers of followers also have the power to promote and influence their products to their followers.
Here are a few tips you can apply on your Instagram accounts to attract sponsored brands even if you have no followers presently.
Sell Space To Top Brands
Most Brands will prefer to have a sponsored ad on Instagram accounts that is thoroughly focused on a particular goal or objective. For instance, Instagram accounts on weight loss images and contents are more likely to get brands coming to seek partnership by placing ads on their account even when you don’t have millions of followers compared to another account with broader market and millions of followers.
For best engagement with top brands and have those placing banner ads on your account you need to define your market with your niche images and contents to get them attracted.
Post Consistently
To get brand attention, your account need to be very active, which means you need to post your activities, including contents and images consistently. While you’ll see some people posting 1 update every day, you can increase your posting updates to 3 times every day. Do not post arbitrarily on Instagram platform by bombarding your followers with post or you might see mass unfollow from your followers or worst your account may get ban.
Also some research observed that the best time to post on Instagram should be around 8:00 am To 9:00 local time and 2:00 pm in the afternoon.
Note that you need to find the sweetest point to post to your audience to get the best engagement. You might discover that some of your followers do not even fall in-between this time periods
Tag Brands in Your Posts
Now is the interesting part. This is the time to get some brands attention. Right now, your account is set up properly with the right images and niche relevant contents, all is left for you is to find brands that you think are related to your contents and images.
Finding the right business brand to partner with can be a bit tricky if you don’t know how to search right. But one way you can get started is by contacting smaller brands in your area by tagging them.
3rd Method To Make Money On Instagram
Affiliate Marketing
Another innovative way of making money on Instagram that some people have discovered is through affiliate marketing. That is promoting other people’s business and when a merchant or business you promote makes a sale, you get a commission.
Commission can vary depending on the affiliate network you joined.
So, here are some important steps to follow on how can you make money with your Instagram account while promoting other people’s offer?
Choose The Right Niche That Relates To Your Account.
There are hundreds of affiliate network you can sign up with that will be ready to accept you once they know you have a sizeable followers on your account. (Although, you can still get accepted with zero followers) While some affiliate network might prove to be fraudulent with client’s payout commission, you need to make a diligent research on networks that will pay you your commission as at when agreed at.
Just remember that your audience determines the best affiliate network you can join. If your followers are dog lovers and you sign up with a weight loss network, what you will be promoting to them will not make any sensible meaning to them or will it provide any useful benefits to their dogs.
Here are some trustworthy affiliate networks that you can try:
- Amazon associates
- ClickBank
- MaxBounty
- ShareASale etc
How to advertise Affiliate Products on Instagram
Affiliate Links
Instagram only allows one organic link in your account which is in your bio profile. This is a big obstacle for many people who are hoping to promote different affiliate offer but the truth is, there is a way around this.
You can use your affiliate coupon as your link on your Instagram post and you can do this by adding it to an image as an overlay.
Also make sure your image description has your affiliate link included. This is important for every image you upload and post on Instagram. Make sure you have your affiliate link and call to action description telling your followers what they need to do and where they can buy the product.
Using tags/hashtags
Using a relevant tag during your posting of photos of affiliate product is very important to your user engagement and traffic. When you use such related hashtags, you can increase your followers engagement and guarantee more likes on your affiliate products and subsequent traffic to your merchants site.
As you have seen from this guide, making money on Instagram is not automatic and you should not expect to start making money on day one; but it’s very doable and practical if you follow as stated in this guide. Instagram offers genuine windows of opportunity to make extra income through different online media such as promoting other affiliate networks product to their passionate followers. You can also improve your earning potential by selling ad space to business brands who are passionate about your followers. Whichever option you choose, remember making money from Instagram is easy if you build the right audience and promote the right solution product that will cater for their needs.
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